Small Enough For Personal Attention... Large Enough To Handle Your Every Need!

  • IntegrityIt is the cornerstone of everything we do at GLT. This guiding principle determines our actions with our clients, employees and the assessment community.
  • Client ServiceWe strive to be an organization that serves.
    Our clients put their trust in us and we take that responsibility very seriously.
    We don't just want satisfied clients, we want clients that are delighted with our service and recommend us to others.
  • ResultsOur clients expect it.
    Our proactive approach to property tax representation places us in a position to achieve those expected results.
    The entire team at GLT understands this goal and we always strive to achieve results for our clients.
  • Family CultureNo matter how large a company we become, we are still a family. We foster a culture that is based on mutual support and trust. Without a doubt, our people make us a great organization.

“Frees you from intricacies of managing your Property Taxes”

“Evaluates and implements the very best methods of assessing your property”

“GLT Consulting, LLC communicates with you on a personal basis”

“We help you coordinate all of your property throughout the United States”

Welcome to GLT Consulting, LLC

Your Ad Valorem Property Tax Consultants - a group of highly skilled managers that work for your interests. GLT is one of the industry leaders in establishing renditions and appraisals that benefit you, the client. Unlike many firms, we represent you!